Policy Suggestion on Developing Future Industry of Equipment Manufacturing Industry in China

Reprinted from "Economy" magazine.

In January 2024, seven departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Innovative Development of Future Industries", clearly defining six key tasks such as comprehensively laying out future industries, accelerating technological innovation and industrialization, and creating landmark products. The "Implementation Opinions" require strengthening future high-end equipment and building a globally leading high-end equipment system. Equipment manufacturing industry is regarded as the "backbone" of manufacturing industry and is an important support for promoting the innovative development of future industries. Based on equipment manufacturing industry to promote the innovative development of future industries is of great significance for developing new-quality productive forces, building a modern industrial system, and advancing new industrialization.


Fully understand the important significance of future industries.

Laying out future industries is an inevitable requirement of the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Judging from the global development trend of future industries, future industries mainly focus on three aspects: intelligence, low carbon, and health. Moreover, the integration of new technologies and traditional industries accelerates the development of future technologies. At present, developed countries have all increased their efforts to implement strategic layouts for future industries. China has also begun to comprehensively lay out future industries, grasp the global trends of scientific and technological innovation and industrial development, and focus on promoting the industrial development in six major directions: future manufacturing, future information, future materials, future energy, future space, and future health.

Laying out future industries is an important path to cultivating new-quality productive forces. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "new-quality productive forces are those in which innovation plays a leading role, getting rid of traditional economic growth modes and paths of productive forces development, and having the characteristics of high technology, high efficiency, and high quality, conforming to the advanced productive forces quality state of the new development concept." By proactively laying out future industries, strengthening the research and development and application promotion of frontier technologies, creating landmark products such as high-end cultural and tourism equipment, advanced and efficient aviation equipment, and deep resource exploration and development equipment, opening up new tracks such as artificial intelligence, humanoid robots, brain-computer interfaces, the metaverse, the next generation of the Internet, 6G, quantum information, deep-sea aerospace development, and building new advantages for future development, making future industries the carrier of new-quality productive forces.

Laying out future industries is a key starting point for building a modern industrial system. The report to the 20th National Party Congress pointed out: "Build a modern industrial system. Adhere to focusing on the real economy in developing the economy, promote new industrialization, and accelerate the building of a strong manufacturing country, a quality powerhouse, an aerospace powerhouse, a transportation powerhouse, a cyber powerhouse, and a digital China." Generally speaking, laying out future industries can promote the improvement of the modernization level of industrial chains and supply chains from four dimensions: factor supply, terminal demand, regional industrial layout, and integration into the global industrial division system.

Laying out future industries is a strategic measure to grasp the initiative of future development. China is being squeezed at both high and low ends of the industrial chain and supply chain by developed countries and developing countries. On the one hand, China must continuously climb to the high end of the value chain to deal with the continuously escalating competition from developing countries such as India and Vietnam. On the other hand, developed countries led by the United States are constantly surrounding and suppressing China at the high end of strategic industries such as integrated circuits, biopharmaceuticals, and 5G. Facing these severe challenges, China must not only achieve independent research and development of key technologies within the existing technological framework and break through the current technological constraints, but also need creative and forward-looking thinking. It is necessary to make advanced layouts in fields such as quantum information, hydrogen energy and new energy storage, brain-like intelligence, future networks, life and health, and frontier materials, open up new tracks for the development of future industries, and achieve "changing lanes and leading the way".

Experience reference for the development of future industries in developed economies.

Judging from the relevant policies launched by major economies such as the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan, they are all based on their own advantageous fields and industrial characteristics, and are laying out future industries such as quantum science, artificial intelligence, future networks, life and health, new energy, new materials, aerospace and oceans. Increasing R & D investment in forward-looking technology fields, cultivating and attracting multi-level talents, improving scientific and technological infrastructure, and strengthening the role of scientific and technological policies and industrial policies have become the common policy choices of major developed countries. Drawing on the experience of developed countries, in the development of future industries, China's equipment manufacturing industry should, based on understanding the global layout and development trend of future industries, start from China's actual situation, give full play to institutional advantages, and continuously make efforts in terms of improving scientific and technological research and development levels, research and development efficiency, research and development investment, infrastructure, and talent cultivation to create a good environment for the development of future industries.

First, strengthen frontier and strategic scientific and technological research and development.

Scientific and technological innovation has become the main battlefield for strategic games among major countries in the world. If China's equipment manufacturing industry wants to win the initiative in the development of future industries, it should strengthen its scientific and technological innovation capabilities. First, it is necessary to continuously improve the overall scientific and technological level in the field of equipment manufacturing, strengthen original, breakthrough, and leading scientific and technological research, and break through the "stuck neck" technologies in key core fields as soon as possible. Second, it is necessary to adhere to demand-oriented and problem-oriented approaches, deploy and implement strategic and reserve scientific and technological research and development to meet major national strategic needs and solve problems in economic and social development, and open up new directions and key areas for industrial development.

Second, improve the overall efficiency of the national innovation system.

China's equipment manufacturing industry must give full play to institutional advantages and continue to strengthen the development of national strategic scientific and technological forces such as national laboratories, national scientific and technological research and development institutions, high-level research universities, and scientific and technological leading enterprises, and improve the overall efficiency of the national innovation system. First, build a national major scientific and technological infrastructure system with leading technology, efficient operation, strong innovation, and significant comprehensive effects, support the reorganization of the national key laboratory system, and create an "aircraft carrier-level" innovation platform with international influence. Second, build a world-class concentration area of large scientific installations and promote the construction of comprehensive national scientific centers. Third, promote breakthroughs in basic research, applied basic research, key common technologies, and disruptive technologies to provide support for future technological and industrial development. Fourth, promote the transformation and engineering of future technologies, enhance the spillover effect of scientific and technological infrastructure, and lead and drive the innovative development of future industries.

Third, strengthen strategic investment in future technologies and industries.

The development cycle of future technologies is relatively long, and there is great uncertainty from 成果孵化、commercialization to industrialization. China's support and investment in future industries cannot be "eager for quick success". It should start from a long-term and strategic perspective, establish and improve scientific and technological innovation funds, scientific and technological achievement transformation funds, intellectual property funds, future industry development funds, etc., and give play to the guarantee role of long-term and strategic funds for future scientific and technological innovation and future industrial development.

Fourth, cultivate and introduce scientific and technological innovation talents.

The essence of scientific and technological innovation is talent competition. China should explore and build a multi-level talent cultivation system that meets the needs of scientific and technological innovation in future industries. First, through cooperation between colleges and universities, scientific research institutions and enterprises, order-based talent cultivation or introduction from around the world, etc., ensure the talent supply for scientific and technological innovation and the development of future industries. Second, facing major national strategic scientific and technological research tasks, actively explore and implement a more open talent selection and employment system such as "revealing the list and leading the generals", and cultivate and introduce discipline leaders with world-leading levels guided by promoting breakthroughs in basic research, underlying technologies, disruptive technologies, and future industrial technologies. Third, guided by key fields of major national strategies and major social needs, stimulate the academic interests of students in institutions of higher learning to meet national strategic needs and cultivate a group of reserve forces for future scientists and future industrial talents.

The current situation of China's equipment manufacturing industry in developing future industries.

In recent years, China's equipment manufacturing industry has maintained a good development momentum. Major economic indicators have steadily improved, innovation-driven development has been deeply promoted, major breakthroughs have been made in key core technologies, and new technologies, new products, and new business forms have been continuously applied. Among them, future industries such as robots, quantum communication satellites, hydrogen energy and energy storage, third-generation semiconductors, and sixth-generation communication equipment are accelerating their layouts.

First, the industrial development momentum is good, and the layout of future industries is accelerating. With the rapid progress of the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, future industries are increasingly receiving great attention from the Party Central Committee and the State Council. In the forefront scientific and technological fields of equipment manufacturing such as artificial intelligence, quantum information, integrated circuits, aerospace technology, deep earth and deep sea, various regions are planning and implementing a number of forward-looking and strategic major national scientific and technological projects.

Second, intelligent technology continues to expand, and green and low-carbon transformation is continuously promoted. Judging from the development trend, the future industries of equipment manufacturing mainly present two technological evolution directions: intelligence and green. First, the intelligent trend is accelerating. In 2023, the production of industries related to intelligent equipment manufacturing maintained high speed. The added value of intelligent vehicle-mounted equipment manufacturing and intelligent unmanned aircraft manufacturing increased by 60% and 20.5% respectively. The production of high-tech instruments and meters is accelerating, helping the intelligent development of various industries. At the same time, fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum technology, next-generation communication technology, and human-computer interaction have become the current hot spots of frontier science and technology, and new technologies and products in related fields are continuously launched. Second, the green and low-carbon transformation is accelerating. In 2023, the output of "three new products" such as new energy vehicles, solar cells, and lithium-ion power batteries for automobiles increased by 30.3%, 54.0%, and 22.8% respectively compared with the previous year. The output of hydroelectric generating sets, wind turbines, and charging piles increased by 35.3%, 28.7%, and 36.9% respectively. Electric aircraft, hydrogen energy and energy storage, and low-cost nuclear power have continuously made technological breakthroughs.

Third, innovation infrastructure is continuously consolidated, and major technological products have made breakthroughs.

Breakthrough technologies and disruptive innovations are an important basis for the development of future industries. First, the innovation infrastructure in the field of equipment manufacturing is continuously improved. In recent years, major national scientific and technological infrastructure such as the 500-meter aperture spherical radio telescope, the fully superconducting tokamak nuclear fusion experimental device, and the positron-electron collider have been completed one after another. At the end of 2023, there were a total of 260 key laboratories, engineering research centers, and innovation centers listed and approved for construction in the machinery industry. This has laid a good foundation and conditions for scientific and technological innovation. Second, major technologies and products are constantly breaking through. In the field of quantum information, China's independently developed world's first space quantum science experimental satellite "Mozi" was launched in 2016. In the field of hydrogen energy, significant technological progress has been made in links such as production, storage and transportation, and proton exchange membrane electrolyzer technology is at the international leading level. In terms of space technology, China's manned spaceflight engineering space station construction technology has been fully verified.

Fourth, major projects of future industries are continuously landing, and the industrialization process is accelerating.

In recent years, China has continuously strengthened the forward-looking layout of future industries. First, major projects related to future industries are continuously landing. For example, in August 2017, the National Quantum Secure Communication "Beijing-Shanghai Trunk Line" project organized by the National Development and Reform Commission completed the construction of a quantum secure communication backbone line with a total length of more than 2,000 kilometers. In April 2021, the future Internet experimental facility, an important part of China's future network experimental facility project, was officially opened. Second, leading enterprises are accelerating the layout of future industries. For example, in the field of hydrogen energy, China has initially laid out a hydrogen energy industry chain covering links such as hydrogen production, storage and transportation, filling, and application. Leading enterprises actively carry out hydrogen energy industry layout, strengthen strategic cooperation, accelerate the industrialization of all links in the hydrogen energy industry chain, and lead the development of the hydrogen energy industry.

At the same time, when China's equipment manufacturing industry develops future industries, it has a good foundation in terms of innovation resources, capabilities, R & D organizations, and industrial foundations. However, it still faces problems such as insufficient industrial foundation capabilities, key core technologies awaiting breakthroughs, an imperfect industrial innovation ecosystem, and insufficient supply of scientific and technological innovation talents.

First, the industrial foundation capabilities need to be improved.

For many years, weak industrial foundation capabilities have become the biggest bottleneck restricting the development of China's industries. In terms of hardware, there are obvious shortcomings in basic manufacturing equipment urgently needed in key fields such as special production equipment, special production lines, and special detection systems. The effective supply capacity of equipment in frontier and emerging fields is seriously insufficient. Most high-end chips, industrial robot and artificial intelligence core components, aerospace power systems and device products rely on imports. In terms of software, integrated circuit design software, operating systems, databases, artificial intelligence algorithms, etc. still lag behind the advanced global level. In the field of future industries, there is still a gap between China's core technical equipment and the international advanced level. For example, there is a large gap between China's frontier research, prototype development and application promotion in the field of quantum computing and Europe and the United States.

Second, key technologies face blockade from developed countries.

Compared with traditional industries, the new economy led by future industries has the characteristics of geometric explosive growth. At present, the development model of scientific and technological innovation and future industries has changed from chain innovation to ecological innovation. In future industries, from upstream materials, chips, components, to midstream equipment, systems, terminals, and downstream applications and services, Chinese enterprises are involved to varying degrees. However, developed countries and regions such as the United States are trying to exclude Chinese companies from the international innovation ecosystem of future industries by cutting off their international supply chains, in order to consolidate the technological leadership, industrial dominance, and ecological discourse power of the United States in future industries in the long term. At present, in the most important future industry segmentation fields, the global innovation ecosystem is almost dominated by American companies. China's future industrial development is at a new international environment and historical inflection point, facing unprecedented difficulties and challenges.

Third, the industrial innovation ecosystem needs to be improved.

Compared with mature industries, the innovation ecosystem for the development of future industries in the current equipment manufacturing industry is still imperfect. First, there are still breakpoints and blockages in the industrial innovation system. The development of future industries will generate innovation needs in multiple aspects such as raw materials, parts, production equipment, and industrial software. However, at present, the collaborative innovation and deep integration of industry, universities, research institutes, and applications in China's equipment manufacturing industry are not enough, and there are still bottlenecks in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and the output efficiency of innovation is not high. Second, the infrastructure, technical standards, testing and certification, and regulatory systems for future industries are not perfect, and there is a lack of unified strategic planning and top-level design. Taking the hydrogen energy industry as an example, a national hydrogen energy development strategic plan has not yet been issued, and the standards, regulations, and policy systems for building hydrogen refueling stations as important infrastructure are not yet complete. Third, the supporting policies are imperfect and inconsistent. Different regions have different support 力度 for leading industries related to equipment manufacturing, resulting in different development environments for different industries, and the innovation behaviors and innovation capabilities of different industries are uneven.

Fourth, there is an insufficient supply of scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship talents.

Innovative talents are the key to technological and industrial development and are crucial to the development of future industries. However, in China's equipment manufacturing field, the proportion of basic research and applied research talents is relatively low, especially lacking cross-border and compound talents. The advantage of high-level talent teams in key core technology fields is not yet significant, and there is an urgent need to cultivate, introduce, and use a large number of strategic scientific and technological talents, first-class scientific and technological leading talents, and innovation teams. Intelligent manufacturing represents the deep integration of advanced manufacturing and a new generation of information technology. According to the data analysis of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the demand for intelligent manufacturing talents in 2025 is 9 million, and the talent gap is expected to reach 4.5 million. Among them, there is currently a large gap in artificial intelligence talents. The domestic supply and demand ratio is 1:10, and the supply and demand ratio is seriously unbalanced.

Five starting points for the development of future industries in China's equipment manufacturing industry.

First, enhance the ability of scientific and technological innovation source.

Facing frontier fields and major needs, strengthen the layout of frontier technologies and "hard technology" innovation. First, highlight key common technologies, frontier leading technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technology innovation, promote the green, intelligent, and customized development of equipment manufacturing industry, and provide strong support for building services for major national strategies. Second, strengthen support for basic research in frontier science and technology, and layout innovation chains around fields or key pain points in the industrial chain with major industrial safety hazards or seriously restricting industrial development, such as basic materials, core parts, major equipment, advanced scientific instruments and inspection and testing equipment, and industrial software. Third, increase support for innovation investment in "hard technology", encourage key regions to increase investment in major scientific and technological infrastructure, take the initiative to undertake and break through the national "stuck neck" core technology research, achieve original technology leading breakthroughs, and support various regions to create landmark industries in 细分领域 based on endowment advantages.

Build a high-level innovation platform system and promote the integrated development of industrial and innovation chains. First, accelerate the layout of major scientific and technological innovation platforms, and newly build and improve a number of innovation infrastructures such as industrial innovation centers, technological innovation centers, engineering research centers, Internet innovation and entrepreneurship platforms, future industrial technology platforms, future factory test platforms, and testing platforms. Second, give full play to the role of institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutes, increase efforts to attract world-class enterprises to set up research and development centers, and accelerate the formation of innovation consortia in which various innovation entities cooperate with each other, achieve more "from 0 to 1" breakthroughs in leading-edge technologies and key common technologies, and achieve more "from 1 to N" breakthroughs in leading-edge advantageous fields. Third, create characteristic future industry professional parks with scientific positioning, distinct business forms, prominent functions, and complete scenarios, accelerate the formation of a number of future industry tracks, build a number of new research and development institutions, enhance technological research and development functions, and improve the supply capacity of key common technologies for future industries.

Secondly, strengthen, expand, and optimize market entities.

Increase financial support for enterprises and effectively stimulate the "innovation and entrepreneurship" vitality of market entities. First, establish a professional incubation fund for the future development of the equipment manufacturing industry, incubate and cultivate a number of major technological projects, industrial projects, and leading innovation teams, and cultivate a number of seed enterprises at the forefront of future industry technologies. Second, strengthen the regional innovation supporting policy guarantee mechanism, expand the scope of application of the policy of enjoying additional deductions for research and development expenses in advance, and appropriately increase the reward intensity for additional deductions for research and development expenses for obtaining original and breakthrough innovation results. Third, establish a long-term mechanism to implement credit support for small and medium-sized enterprises, especially private enterprises, promote small and medium-sized enterprises to increase technological innovation investment counter-cyclically; explore the introduction of long-term funds through methods such as long-term bond-to-equity conversion; appropriately adjust the financing structure, increase the proportion of direct financing such as equity and bonds, reduce the growth rate of credit scale, and actively promote mature innovative enterprises to be listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board and the New Third Board.

Optimize the enterprise cultivation gradient and drive the development of the future equipment manufacturing industry through the integration of large, medium, and small enterprises. First, give play to the leading and guiding role of large enterprises in product architecture design and industrial development direction, encourage industry-leading enterprises to increase their independent research and development efforts, strengthen supervision over industry-leading enterprises, and curb monopoly and unfair competition. Second, widely carry out "innovation and entrepreneurship" activities, increase efforts in technological innovation and talent cultivation for enterprises, encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to develop in the direction of specialization, refinement, uniqueness, and novelty, and create a number of unicorn enterprises and high-tech enterprises in key industries. Third, with the goal of supplementing technological shortcomings and promoting industrial upgrading, encourage all regions to carry out investment promotion for the equipment manufacturing industry in light of their own advantages, and attract domestic and foreign first-class research teams and innovation and entrepreneurship enterprises through the "precision investment promotion + independent cultivation" model, focus on cutting-edge emerging technologies, and cultivate a new force for future industries.

Once again, look ahead and create diverse application scenarios.

Taking the cultivation of new industrial forms as the driving force, continuously create early application scenarios for future industries. First, with the goal of realizing "prospering the country through scenarios," establish future industry technology research institutions, provide overall industrial technology solutions, and improve the ability to accurately put forward forward-looking needs for the future. Second, support national innovative cities and independent demonstration zones to centrally carry out application scenario tests for the industrialization of cutting-edge new technologies, and establish forward-looking innovative pilot demonstration projects for trial implementation. Third, according to economic and social development needs, based on resource endowments, industrial foundations, and comparative advantages, support all regions to focus on developing the equipment manufacturing industry in key fields and vigorously promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy.

With the goal of cultivating new models, new business forms, and new products, continuously create application incubation scenarios for cutting-edge technologies. First, gradually build a full-cycle incubation mechanism. Driven by social needs, explore the construction of future urban scenario test areas in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and other places, effectively integrate scientific and technological research and development resources, fully open up the chains of basic research, application development, achievement transformation, and industrialization, and drive the integrated research and product incubation and transformation of high-quality innovation resources. Second, focus on supporting innovative enterprises to participate in the construction of future industry application scenarios, promote the pilot demonstration and integrated application of innovation achievements in the application scenario system of development zones, and turn application scenarios into a strategic platform for the "emergence and realization" of high-precision and cutting-edge innovation achievements. Third, strengthen the sorting and excavation of new technological products for future industry application scenarios, and strongly support technology innovation-oriented enterprises to flexibly participate in market demand projects and carry out scene actual measurements and market validations of integrated innovation of new technologies, new models, new business forms, and new products. Fourth, fully rely on policies such as the selection of national innovative cities and the pilot of national independent innovation demonstration (test) zones to select innovative technology products and solutions with forward-looking and potential. Fifth, strengthen the demonstration and promotion of application scenarios, encourage large state-owned enterprises to apply innovative products (services) to build new scenarios, accelerate the industrial transformation of cutting-edge technologies through demand-side support, and form a number of high points for future scientific and technological innovation and industrial development.

Fourth, improve the new economic ecosystem.

Accelerate the promotion of new infrastructure and application ecology to boost the digitalization of industries and the industrialization of digital technologies. First, promote the layout and construction of science and innovation spaces with functional facilities such as concept verification, future laboratories, computing power, and data. Scientifically coordinate and advance project establishment and investment attraction, and guide enterprises to invest prudently and rationally. Second, effectively strengthen intellectual property protection, strengthen the software capabilities and content ecology construction of new infrastructure, and increase the incubation and support for content and software. Third, establish special investment funds to guide and leverage the entry of social capital, provide appropriate financial interest subsidies for key projects of new infrastructure, and encourage social capital to actively participate through guarantee funds, guidance funds, and other means. Fourth, increase support for basic and frontier innovative research projects and service platforms to provide necessary basic research support for major key common technology breakthroughs related to new infrastructure.

Taking improving the market-oriented allocation of factors as the focus, enhance the degree of intelligence, greening, and customization of the equipment manufacturing industry. First, strengthen the establishment of research funds and set up talent titles at different levels in emerging fields in the future to cultivate and stimulate knowledge-based, skill-based, and innovative talents. Second, increase the income proportion of innovative elements such as human capital, knowledge capital, technology research and development, and scarce data, promote enterprises to move from the low-level cycle of production and processing links to emerging and frontier fields such as upstream and downstream research and development design, brand creation, high-end after-sales service, and supply and demand matching, and support emerging industries with characteristics of future industries to become stronger, larger, and better. Third, encourage manufacturing enterprises to share data with digital economy enterprises, promote the construction of government-guided supply and demand platforms, continuously improve the customization level of enterprise manufacturing, meet personalized, high-end, and advanced product demands, and improve the digital level in future industrial fields.

Further optimize the business environment and create a good atmosphere for the development of future industries. First, in conjunction with structural tax cuts, accelerate the development of artificial intelligence and new-generation communication technologies, promote the iterative upgrade of industrial infrastructure, reduce the cost of high-end elements, and improve the cost structure of enterprises. Second, continuously optimize and improve the industrial environment, accelerate the cultivation of future industries, and continuously promote the transformation of advantageous industries and frontier technologies into future industries. Improve the policy evaluation system and perfect the business environment evaluation mechanism. Third, actively improve the government's approval rights and responsibilities, establish approval process standards and service mode standards, simplify and optimize the enterprise investment approval process and establishment procedures, and promote enterprise investment facilitation. Fourth, further enhance the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, improve the level of opening up of service trade, and strengthen cooperation in high-end industrial chains and future industrial projects.

Finally, strengthen international and domestic innovation cooperation.

Promote the "bringing in" and "going out" of industrial cooperation and create a new situation of internal and external mutual promotion. First, actively expand the boundaries of international research and development resources, encourage enterprises and university research institutions to integrate international innovation resources, increase the intensity of introducing high-end scientific and innovation talents, and jointly carry out research and development efforts with top foreign research and development teams; attract outstanding overseas innovation and entrepreneurship teams to join the "innovation and entrepreneurship" activities and shape an open, orderly, and vibrant industrial innovation ecosystem. Second, strengthen innovation cooperation with countries and regions in the RCEP and countries and regions along the Belt and Road Initiative in future industries, strengthen institutional construction in aspects such as intellectual property protection and trading, cross-border data flow, and scientific and technological ethics within the framework of economic and trade cooperation, and strengthen cooperation in basic sciences and industrial common technologies.

Promote Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other domestic innovation center cities to strengthen strategic cooperation and jointly build a regional collaborative innovation cooperation system. First, focus on scientific research in future industrial track, take the lead in forming characteristic link competitiveness in some fields, and synergistically promote the independent controllability of key links in the industrial chain and innovation chain. Second, guided by industrial needs, actively undertake different links of the industrial chain and innovation chain in industries such as the digital economy, aerospace technology, and green hydrogen energy, promote orderly cooperation, healthy competition, and differentiated development of innovation center cities, and explore the construction of a complete industrial gradient system with interactive and integrated development of "multiple centers, complementary resources, innovation promotion, and industrial synergy." (Author: Xu Yuchen, senior engineer of the China Federation of Industrial Economics)